Trackpets is a platform for people with mobile devices to identify a lost pet and return them to their home, to use it you just have to register on our platform, once registered you can:
- Upload photos and a video of your pet.
- Obtain a QR Code which you can print, create a collar and put it on your pet.
- This QR code is essential because with it users can scan when your pet is lost and be able to contact you, as well as being able to report the location of where it was last seen.
- You also have the possibility to connect your profile using our connection link to a device with NFC technology.
Trackpets is a completely free platform for users, but not for companies that wish to advertise, in this way companies would be financing our platform through their advertising as well as receiving donations from third parties that are a great help for this organization, Due to the millionaire costs of maintaining a platform of this type and helping everyone for free, with their help this platform is a reality. It should be noted that a percentage of the donations received are not only for maintenance, but also a part goes to the aid of foundations and/or pet societies, in this way we are contributing even more to the benefit of pets.
This platform is based on web resources, so it can be accessed directly through www.trackpets.org, but we also have an App for Android users, which can be downloaded directly from Google Play under the name "Trackpets". For iPhone users you can do it directly in Safari by adding our app with the Share button and from there to "Add to Home", this way you will have much faster access through our web application.
Yes, our organization has both ways of communication, if you want to send us a message you can do it to the following: [email protected] as well as you can write to us via whatsapp at: +1 (650) 353-4252, Palo Alto, CA
Cookies are essential for the use of this platform, if they we could not authenticate you when you have logged in nor be able to find your pet in our records since thanks to them it makes the website function optimally and without drawbacks.